

I'm Eunice Nonhlanhla Kubheka

Eunice Nonhlanhla kubheka is a 24 year old female who grew up in Embalenhle Mpumalanga. She attended Kiriyatswane Secondary School and completed grade 12 in 2015. She is a hairdresser with good communication skills who enjoys going out meeting new individuals and reading books.


Kubheka’s  project focuses on the struggled faced by people who reside in inforamil settlements. She drew close attention to  Siyabonga Zulu, who reside in a formal settlement called Marikana in Embalenhle. Zulu bought a piece of land and yet there are service facilitation provided.


“As a result of the acute shortage of sanitation services in informal settlements, many have resorted to using bucket systems. Residents claim that the toilets expose them to safety risks and provide no privacy. In an effort to maintain cleanliness and privacy some people have resorted to locking the toilets closest to their shacks to limit the number of people who can use them. The lack of access to proper Sanitation impacts women, girls and people with disabilities”.