

I'm Nonjabuliso Nhlambo

Nonjabuliso Nhlambo is a 28 year old female, who grew up in Kinross, Mpumalanga. She  completed her matric at  Osizweni Secondary Schoo and then further studied  Business Management at Emlumati TVET College where she completed with a Diploma.


Nhlambo’s project is inspired by Mr Xaba, known as Mkhulu in the community. Mkhulu is a  pensioner who dedicated his pension times to build a maze for children in his community. Being part of the Social and Environmental Awereness Project Nhlambo has improved her photography skills and communication skills.


“I have learnt to engage with people in the community I live in through the project. I also got to learn about the environmental and social issues that are affecting them in our society. This Photographt project from the Market Photo Workshop has been a great experience for me and I am truly grateful to have been part of the project”