
the market photo workshop

Nonkululeko Dube

a photographer and writer (b. in 1995) from Richards Bay, KwaZulu-Natal, a coastal South African province but based in Johannesburg

She is currently a Photojournalism and Documentary Photography Programme student at The Market Photo Workshop. Nonkululeko started working with Inkanyiso.org founded by Prof. Sir Zanele Muholi in 2018 immediately after she graduated for her photography enrolment with Inkanyiso Mobile School of Photography.

Most of her work published by inkanyiso.org is based on sexuality and documenting events. Her first exhibition was a collaborative – project exhibition at the Market Photo Workshop in collaboration with the Netherlands Embassy on Sexuality and Gender Based violence titled “Volume 44”. Her second exhibition was in Heidelberg, Germany At the Queer Festival titled “Breaking Gender Stereotypes”. Lastly an online current group exhibition with The Stevenson Gallery titled “Nonrepresentational” _.

As a photographer her work focuses on documentary and conceptualized photography. She focuses on recording memories of the past and traumatic instants as a catharsis. She aims to Discover environmental and social issues that prompt humans to start investigating within and questioning the norm. Most her work is inspired by her background and the way she was raised as a girl child, she always felt growing up that she was oppressed by her own traditional and religious values.