Koketso Tube
I am from a small town in Gauteng called Kagiso, where I had an opportunity to meet all types of people with different ethnicities, different cultural groups and different jobs. I am immensely driven by curiosity and photography has fuelled this passion. I have been motivated to capitalize on contrasting representations of cultures, environment and human values that turn into artistic expressions through photography. I hold a diploma in Photography, from Shaw Academy which is an online learning institution. I also have studied ‘Network Architecture’ which is the architecture of computer networking systems. In addition, I have my CompTIA A+ certification and I also hold a National Certificate in Information Technology. I completed the Advanced Programme in Photography at the Market Photo Workshop in 2019. Here we explored various areas such as visual narratives, visual culture, contemporary photography, video editing as well as technical and professional photography practices.
January 2020

Studio Portraits
I have been learning about studio photography and its controlled lighting. The controlled...
21st Jan 20

Never quite there
This body of work explores a series of thoughts and real-life situations I...
21st Jan 20