Mzwanele Tshishonga
Johannesburg based photographer, Mzwanele Tshishonga relocated from Port Elizabeth to Johannesburg in interests of honing his skills as a photographer. He joined The Market Photo Workshop where he completed the Advanced Programme in Photography. His work, mostly in black and white, deals with themes of movement and spirituality. He does credit to his upbringing in the Eastern Cape where he became increasingly intrigued by how Christianity and African Spirituality overlapped in everyday life within his home and surrounding community.
Previously Tshishonga worked solely as a sound engineer and radio broadcaster, it was only in 2016 that he started working in the medium of photography. He mentions being immediately drawn to the works of Andrew Tshabangu and Santu Mofokeng, thus influencing him to study further. Their work allowed him the opportunity to study and develop his own visual language with his own conventions and voice.
His investment in working and dealing with the invisible as a subject matter, and how it is manifested in this three-dimensional space has led him as far as looking for oratory clues in his mother tongue, dissecting and building an understanding of the world around him through photography and African knowledge systems.
January 2020

Employing Credo Mutwa’s thinking of deconstructing nguni words to their roots, I hope...
22nd Jan 20