[spacer height=”20px”] Stay at home and stay safe, Save lives by social distancing. Knock!! Knock!! Knock!! Who is it? OH NO!! Mama. Are you self-Isolating?? Have you forgotten your Hand-to-Mouth existence??? The man said no work no pay! Kids, No school tomorrow. But Mama the School feeding scheme assisted us! […]

Room Divider is a photographic essay that looks at the relationships between immediate family members. The work I make is a reflective journey, the commentary suggested by the work is a subjective perspective, of my lived experiences as a black woman, as a mother, and as a daughter. The […]

In this body of work, I aim to focus on the notion of death and my healing processes accompanied with it through a personal narrative. ‘Conversasie van Wina’ speaks about my personal emotive state, questioning the period after my father’s death and how I dealt with this experience. I […]

Umthwalo is a isiZulu word that’s means load/burden/luggage.Umthwalo (Load) is a project in which I aim to focus on the “load” that I have experienced from losing someone close to me: the strain caused by the death of a loved one is turned into the urge to preserve […]

Albert is a professional photographer who comes from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). He left his country in the late 90s in pursuit of a better life. He had been a professional photographer for the state in the DRC. In this picture, Albert reflects on his journey as […]