Employing Credo Mutwa’s thinking of deconstructing nguni words to their roots, I hope to find a different approach of looking at the term, but also understanding the concept of Umoya a bit more broadly. Starting with the first part, Mo (here, in Sesotho), imo (a condition in Xhosa), ummo […]

My project is about chairs in the literal sense. I was inspired by the chairs I saw around the market that reminded me of back home when I was a child and the stories that the chairs carried through being moved from one place to another. As I saw […]

My project is aimed at the spaces the market has as I have acknowledged that every marketplace is a busy place buzzing with people, it is a space where economic growth and trading takes place. Spaces within Yeoville Market aims to take my personality to the place I am […]

My mother once told me a story of how during Christmas time, her mother would buy one large roll of fabric and from that roll she would make a Christmas outfit for each one of her children, nieces and nephews. The younger girls would get flared out skirts and the […]